Fun_People Archive
17 Apr
What Alan Greenspan *Really* Said
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 100 12:08:21 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: What Alan Greenspan *Really* Said
X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649 -=[ Fun_People ]=-
From: Anne Merritt
I'm listening to Alan Greenspan *right now* and I would swear on a stack
of bibles that he just talked about "reducing big ass spreads in the
Now, upon further reflection, the only real way I believe I know what he
said (vs. what I heard) is that the only other word that fits the context
and sound space is "big ask spreads".
However, as hard as he tried to enunciate, I couldn't hear the difference.
He said the phrase 2-3 times, and each time (after the first, which got my
attention) I strained carefully to hear it.
I must be losing it if I hear Alan Greenspan making a virtual Jenny Craig
And is there a corrolation between big ass spreads and a rise in the
market's volume?
Anne Marie
© 2000 Peter Langston