Fun_People Archive
19 Jul
Instructive Reading from Author of Time's `Cyberporn Study'

Date: Wed, 19 Jul 95 20:00:47 -0700
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Instructive Reading from Author of Time's `Cyberporn Study'

Forwarded-by: bostic@CS.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic)
Forwarded-by: Wendell Craig Baker <>
       Vol. 1, No. 68, July 12, 1995

from Martin Rimm's novel
"An American Playground

			from Declan B. McCullagh

	Earlier today, I had the distinct pleasure of reading "An American
Playground," by Martin Rimm. [(c) 1990, Casino Forum, Atlantic City, NJ.]
	Since I'm sure you're interested in learning more about the novel,
I thought I'd post a short review and share with you some excerpts that
will stretch your mind in bogglement while you writhe in pagan sweat.
	I'd write more, but my ventricle vein is filling with strange

Rompishly yours,


PS: I am not making this up!

 The novel features a cameo appearance by an "Egyptian prince" named
 Rufushniztle Rashi:

    "My fadda" he beamed proudly. "He own oil well unda Egupt. He vewy
    wich!" [p23]

    "Hey Mack," he groaned, "I gettin' a little caw sick. How 'bout a
    little fwesh aiah?" [p27]

 Scenes terrifyingly macabre:

    "I want the body positioned so that the blood drips slowly out of its
    open neck and onto their grass and forms little puddles around their
    lilacs and dandelions and tomato vines." [p71]

 Expert medical lessons:

    "After I knock you out, I could inject your ventricle vein with sodium
    cloroxide, thereby inducing a bioculminary collapse in the lower
    cavity of your central nervous system, followed by an epileptic
    seizure from your spinal cord through your intestinal cords, all the
    way up to your brain, through your stomach, down your d--k, and out
    your ass." [p72]

 Health and fitness tips:

    "Butter's good for your heart," he grumbled, with strange
    effulgence. [p162]

 Gustatory adventures divine:

    Lora relished the rich tomato bisk [sic] as the warm slabs of
    bacon tingled gently down her throat. [p56]

 Encounters with authority:

    The judge writhed in the maroon tainted chair, his damp fingers
    prattling to the naked chromium armrest, his neck stretched wide in
    bogglement, his cheeks unshaven and reeking of a cold furious sweat.
    Instantly he sprang forth, as a prankster springs from the dark, to
    disgorge the blasphemous pants of the insurgent youth... [sic]

    "Don't even think of criticizing ME, Judge," interrupted the young man,
    his arms lurching wildly about the room... "You watch me!" he
    fumed, the pores of his defiant spirit dripping now with angry
    beads of pagan sweat... [p167]

 And, finally, meaningful sexual relationships, albeit somewhat androgynous:

    "I'm gonna go pump Nadah with my R.R. tonight."

    "Your R.R. What's that, Rich?"

    Don't you know? Come on, get with it, Donny!" That's my RECTUM

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []