Fun_People Archive
6 Feb
hmmm... from

Date: Wed,  6 Feb 91 14:42:56 PST
To: Fun_People
Subject: hmmm... from

(misc header lines deleted)
Forwarded-by: (Mark Seiden)
From: bgribble@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Bill Gribble)

Is this coincidence or was I not the only one who watched that episode
  of "The Newlywed Game"?  I think that was the funniest thing I've 
  ever seen on television.  (not saying much, but, well..)

For those of you who didn't see it:  Bob Eubanks is questioning a young 
  black couple.  "Where," he asks the husband, "is the most interesting
  place you've ever, ah, (discreet smirk) made whoopie?"

The husband's deadpan answer: "That'd be up the butt, Bob."  A Kodak moment, 
  to be sure.  The show aired over Christmas break, 1989-1990.  It's
  become a sort of legend here at HMC: sort of a "man, that sucks!"
  kind of expression.  "Failed that test?  That'd be up the butt, Bob."

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