Fun_People Archive
22 May
The Comedian's-eye View of 05/23/00

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 22 May 100 23:09:41 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: The Comedian's-eye View of 05/23/00

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649  -=[ Fun_People ]=-
Excerpted-from: 05/23/00 -- ShopTalk

                        Tuesday May 23, 2000

	"Our shows are pretty horrible.  But worst of all
	 they seem totally unfocused."

			- unnamed senior NBC executive referring to
			  the new season (NY Times page E6)


New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani just announced he'll be dropping out of
the U.S. Senate race against first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, confirming
rumors that Bill and Hillary's deal with devil is apparently still holding.
(Guy Nicolucci

The head of Japan's beleaguered space program resigned last week, shocking
millions who had no idea Japan had a space program. (Nicolucci)

George Double U Bush says he opposes Oregon's doctor-aided suicide law.
See, in Texas they do things a little different than in Oregon. In Texas,
they have governor-aided suicide. (Williams)

The New Hampshire Senate voted to repeal the death penalty in their state.
Murder is not a huge problem in New Hampshire. They don't have a Death Row.
It's more like a Death Duplex. (

The Southern Baptist Convention has adopted a no women pastor policy. The
danger of such a practice is inherent. It could lead to an open mind. (Ray)

Herbalife's Mark Reynolds Hughes was found dead over the weekend.
Authorities say he apparently died of natural causes.  This is just too
easy. (Kyle McAlister)

David B. Guralnik, former editor-in-chief of Webster's New World Dictionary
passed away this weekend at the age of 79.  I believe his last words were
"zydeco," "zygote," and "zymogram." (Steve Voldseth)

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