Fun_People Archive
10 May
QsOTD - Advertising

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 10 May 99 13:04:23 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: QsOTD - Advertising

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
Forwarded-by: Gary Stock

"Advertisers, not governments, are the primary censors of media content in
the United States today."
  C. Edwin Baker

"When a man throws an empty cigarette package from an automobile, he is
liable to a fine of $50. When a man throws a billboard across a view, he is
richly rewarded."
  Pat Brown (former Governor of California)

"It is pretty obvious that the debasement of the human mind caused by a
constant flow of fraudulent advertising is no trivial thing. There is more
than one way to conquer a country."
  Raymond Chandler

"Advertising is a racket, like the movies and the brokerage business.  You
cannot be honest without admitting that its constructive contribution to
humanity is exactly minus zero."
  F. Scott Fitzgerald

"Advertising has done more to cause the social unrest of the 20th century
than any other single factor."
  Clare Boothe Luce

"Advertising is an environmental striptease for a world of abundance."
  Marshall McLuhan

"I think that I shall never see
 A billboard lovely as a tree.
 Indeed, unless the billboards fall
 I'll never see a tree at all."
  Ogden Nash

"Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket."
  George Orwell

Young people are "threatened... by the evil use of advertising techniques
that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the
immediate satisfaction of every desire."
  Pope John Paul II

"Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make
the worse appear the better."
  George Santayana

"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising."
  Mark Twain

"Advertising is legalized lying."
  H.G. Wells

"Advertisers are the interpreters of our dreams - Joseph interpreting for
Pharoah. Like the movies, they infect the routine futility of our days with
purposeful adventure.  Their weapons are our weaknesses: fear, ambition,
illness, pride, selfishness, desire, ignorance.  And these weapons must be
kept as bright as a sword."
  E.G. White

I can not "think of any circumstances in which advertising would not be an
  Arnold Toynbee

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