Fun_People Archive
29 Sep
American Folklife Center [Library of Congress] Reauthorization

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 98 12:54:14 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: American Folklife Center [Library of Congress] Reauthorization

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Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 11:55:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Alan A. Jabbour" <>
Subject: Reauthorization update

The House-Senate Conference recently completed its work on the Legislative
Branch Appropriations Bill.  The final bill incorporates within it the bill
originally introduced by Senator Thad Cochran (R-Mississippi) providing for
permanent authorization of the Center (slightly modified in a few technical
respects).  The Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill was approved
Thursday, September 24, by the House and Friday, September 25, by the
Senate.  All that remains is for the President to sign the bill, and the
American Folklife Center will finally have permanent authorization.

Normally, the Presidential signature would be routine.  But this is not a
routine year, and it is possible that the Legislative Branch Appropriations
Bill ("Leg Branch" in Capitol Hill shorthand) would be affected by larger
negotiations between the President and the Congress over various issues.
Thus we can't assume final signature till it happens.  We'll immediately
let everyone know.

Meanwhile, it's my job to worry, but the fact is we're at the threshold of
permanent authorization and the dawning of a new era for the Center.  So
it's not too early to thank Senator Cochran for sponsoring the bill, and a
long list of Senators and Members of Congress for helping it along on its
way (when the bill is signed, I'll circulate a full list).  Or to thank all
the friends and colleagues who have taken time to write, call, fax, e-mail,
or visit Congressional offices on behalf of the Center's authorization.  Or
to thank Judy McCulloh, Bill Kinney, and other stalwarts on the Center's
Board of Trustees for their energy, constancy, and devotion.  Or to thank
Joe Wilson and others for keeping up the heat on Capitol Hill and spreading
the light beyond.

More soon.


          Alan Jabbour, Director
         American Folklife Center
           Library of Congress
       Washington, DC  20540-4610

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