Fun_People Archive
21 Sep
Confessin' . . .

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 98 18:04:37 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Confessin' . . .

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
[Also see "I'm Confessing..." 6 Feb 1997 in the Fun_People archives at

Forwarded-by: jmorton@euler.Berkeley.EDU (John Morton)

    The priest has been in the confessional for some time, and realizes he
has to pee.  He opens the door, looks around frantically, and spots a
familiar parishioner walking up the aisle.  "Pardon, would you do me a great
favor and handle the confessional for me while I run to the bathroom?" The
man tries to beg off, but the priest is insistent:"Really, there's nothing
it!  On the wall of the booth is a chart of all the sins; opposite each one
you'll find the corresponding penance." The priest cannot be dissuaded, so
the man reluctantly enters the booth.  Immediately he hears someone enter
the confessional:
    "Father, I have sinned."
    "And what was your sin, my son?"
    "I committed anal intercourse."
    The man rolls his eyes, then remembers the chart.  He scans it
thoroughly, but realizes that "anal intercourse" is not there.  Frantically,
he opens the door and looks around.  An altar boy is walking up the aisle.
    "Quick, help me out, what does the Father give for anal intercourse?"
    The boy thinks a moment, then replies, "Two Snickers bars."

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