Fun_People Archive
18 Jan
A Clever Donkey

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 98 15:39:12 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: A Clever Donkey

Forwarded-by: "Robert S. Harris." <>

An Irish man took his old donkey to the beach to try and make a bit of
money.  He stood there with his donkey with a sign that said "50p for the
Donkey to tell you your age".

A sceptical tourist walked up and said "I don't believe this", but gave the
donkey man the 50p anyway.

The old donkey stood there quietly contemplating for a moment then broke
wind noisily and stamped his front foot - once.

The tourist was unimpressed and said to the donkey guy, "Hey! He didn't tell
me my age!" "To be sure 'e did" said the donkey guy, "you're farty one."

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