Fun_People Archive
1 Nov
Twenty-six Puzzles ("Equation Analysis"?)

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Sat,  1 Nov 97 19:09:08 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Twenty-six Puzzles ("Equation Analysis"?)

[This is not the first time something like this has come around, but many of  
these look new to me...  This is definitely a test of something, but what?   
Colloquial pattern recognition?  Cliche familiarity?  I doubt if  
extraterrestrials would do well on this test.  See how you do...  -psl]

Forwarded-by: Eric Steese <>
Forwarded-by: Alan Griffin
Forwarded-by: Amy Norman <>

	Equation Analysis  Test


Each line below contains the initials of words that will make it meaningful
(and for the most part, correct).  Find the missing words.

Example:  "7 D. of the W."  would be: "7 Days of the Week."

A.  26 L. of the  A.
B.  7 W. of the A.W.
C.  1001 A.K.			[This is surely an error, but... -psl]
D.  12 S. of the  Z.
E.  54  C. in a D.
F.  9  P. in the S.S.
G.  88  P.K.
H.  13  S. on the A.F.
I.  18  H. on a G.C.
J.  32  D.F. at which W.F.
K.  90  D. in a R.A.
L.  200  D. for P.G. in M
M.  8  S. on a S.S.
N.  3 B.M.( S.H.T.R.)
O.  4  Q. in a  G.
P.  24  H. in a D.
Q.  1  W. on a U.
R.  5  D. in a Z.C.
S.  57 H.V.
T.  11 P. on a F.T.
U.  1000 W. that a P. is W.
V.  29 D. in F. in a L.Y.
W.  64 S. on a C.B.
X.  40 D. and N. of the G.F.
Y.  100 Y. in a C.
Z.  12  E. in a D.

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