Fun_People Archive
1 Oct
Sending an E-Moon for the cause.

Content-Type: text/plain
Mime-Version: 1.0 (NeXT Mail 3.3 v118.2)
From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed,  1 Oct 97 14:17:27 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Sending an E-Moon for the cause.
References: <>

[There are few contenders for 1st place on my current Oh-no-not-another-one!  
list: Darwin Award stories, jokes based entirely on gender stereotyping, lines  
and lines (and lines) of scrolling ascii text patterns, commercial spam, and  
chain letters of any kind.  So it takes an ascii text pattern chain letter  
with a little something extra to get on Fun_People...  -psl]

Forwarded-by: Nev Dull <>
Forwarded-by: chuck yerkes <>
Forwarded-by: Larry Buck <>
Forwarded-by: Jim Lowe <>

This is very important, and I need your full cooperation. I'm trying to
collect a million electronic moons for Senator Jesse Helms, R-NC.  Helms is
a good Nazi, a kind Nazi, a Nazi of the people, and he deserves this show
of support.  Please clip out the moon below and mail it to:

Also, please forward this letter to anyone you can think of who would be
willing to send an E-Moon for the cause, and ask them to forward it as well.
I want to get a real grass-roots movement started here.


---------------------%<-----------%<-------------- snip!

Dear Senator Helms (or Sen. Helms staffer),

           *"""**ooooo .oo*""*ooo..
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               o                    o                  o

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