Fun_People Archive
2 Sep
Weirdness [492] - 11Jul97

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue,  2 Sep 97 16:08:07 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Weirdness [492] - 11Jul97

Excerpted-from: WEIRDNUZ.492 (News of the Weird, July 11, 1997)
		by Chuck Shepherd

* At a May hearing, the Ohio State Medical Board began considering whether
to discipline Toledo pediatrician Gary F.  Gladieux, 43, who was accused of
having sex with three women during their visits to his office.  The Board
cited a 1991 American Medical Association ruling that physician-patient sex
is unethical, but Gladieux says the ruling doesn't apply to him because he
had sex not with his patients but with their mothers, who had brought the
patients in for their appointments.

* According to a March dispatch from remote Sabah, Malaysia, in London's
Daily Telegraph, one or two orangutans disappear from the Sepilok nature
rehabilitation park every month, and some have been found in the homes of
childless plantation workers and wearing toddlers' clothes and with their
heads shaved to look more human.

* Phillip Michael was acquitted of a murder charge in Edmonton, Alberta, in
May, despite a damaging jailhouse letter he had written to a friend
explicitly orchestrating the testimony Michael needed so that he would beat
the rap.  The letter was never received by the friend, however; according
to the prosecutor, Michael had missed the friend's street address by one
digit, and the letter was returned to the jail, where it was lawfully opened
and thus used in court.

* Dental patient Nelson Berrios, 48, suffered a minor back injury in New
York City in April when he improvidently bolted out of the chair and jumped
out a second-story window after police came rushing into his dentist's
office.  (They were after the dentist.)  And in March, seven people jumped
out of a second-story window in New York City after they mistakenly thought
a police drug raid next door was meant for them.  (Police arrested those
seven, as well, after they found a bound, kidnapped woman in the apartment
from which they jumped.)

* Two Swiss neuroscientists, writing in the May issue of the journal
Neurology, presented findings on several dozen people who were previously
indifferent to so-called fine food but who developed a passion for it
following injuries to the right front quadrants of their brains.  Citing
analogous cases of teetotalers who became alcoholics after such brain
damage, the researchers theorized that the injury suppresses a control

	Copyright 1997 by Universal Press Syndicate.

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