Fun_People Archive
30 May
Hack Lite

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 30 May 97 16:38:30 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Hack Lite

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: Jim Thompson <jim@hosaka.SmallWorks.COM>
Forwarded-by: Brian Kelly <>

Taken from "The Afternoon Line May 30, 1997" (

	Hack Lite

Two widely publicized cases of hacking that occurred this week were
apparently just that -- publicity.

 In the case of the "Lost World" site, the fake hack was apparently intended
to bring some hip, edgy cred to Universal's PG-13-rated juggernaut, but
without actually being hip and edgy (this is Hollywood, after all) -- hence
the display of an inoffensive image of a duck instead of the T. rex profile
in the site's logo.

 As hacks go, it was utterly bland and cutesy -- just like the plots and
characters in most of Spielberg's infantile spectacles -- which should have
been a clue in itself.

 But lame impersonations of real life are Tinseltown's stock in trade; less
easily fathomed is the phony LAPD page that was reported on yesterday. What
at first looked like a politically motivated (if somewhat temperate, with
no obscenity) hack of an easy target now seems to be a hoax as well.

 It turns out that there has never been a working LAPD site; the department
did register the domain name but never created the site. No site,
no hack.

 It's enough to make you long for some real anarchy; as a veteran cyber
reporter cracked, "Don't trust any hacks that don't include swastikas,
antigovernment rants or pornography."

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