Fun_People Archive
13 Dec
Re: QOTD - Chief Sealth

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 96 12:57:09 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: Re: QOTD - Chief Sealth

    One of the cool things about Fun_People is the range of backgrounds, as  
well as the breadth and depth of knowledge, accessible through it/them.  For  
example, within moments of sending out the Chief Sealth quote (yes, he's aka  
Chief Seattle) I was challenged by one Fun_Person: "Weren't those cool Chief  
Sealth quotes actually written by some white man?"  And shortly thereafter I  
received this note from Fun_Person Keith Bostic:

> What I've heard (and I think read, but I can't recall a source) was that
> they were written by Forrest Carter (the same guy that wrote "The
> Education of Little Tree," which was a serious feel-good book, as they
> say).  He was a bit of a racist and apparently wrote it for the bucks.
> Of course, I may be merging random information, here, I can't recall
> the details.
> I'm fairly sure that the quote was faked, though.

    Which is a shame, since the sentiments are so, er,  noble...

 Peter Langston - - Seattle, WA -

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