Fun_People Archive
14 Sep
Quote of the day - Zachary on Eastern Snacks

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 96 20:55:45 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Quote of the day - Zachary on Eastern Snacks

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: by: Sharman George <>
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BANGKOK, Thailand -- Janjaree Thanma flips through a fat folder of
market research, thinking about a prawn-flavored potato chip.

Ms. Thanma, who directs marketing for Frito-Lay chips here, has found
that prawn is the favorite flavor of Thai focus groups. But that doesn't
necessarily put it in the chips. The Thais said they thought an American
snack with a native flavor such as tom yam, or prawn, is inappropriate
-- much as Frito-Lay people in China, after similar tests, ruled out the
most popular flavor, dog.

Thas may 'perceive a good snack as a Western snack,' Ms. Thanma says.
After testing 500 flavors, her management team eschewed tom yam for now
and stuck with American flavors such as barbecue.
	-- G. Pascal Zachary, front page of the June 13, 1996
	   Wall Street Journal

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