Fun_People Archive
29 May
More Spam Haikus

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed, 29 May 96 13:55:02 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: More Spam Haikus

[Another round of quivering poetry.  The last five wander far afield from  
the 5-7-5 of the traditional haiku, but who's counting?  -psl]

Forwarded-by: Kerry Blech <>

Hors d'oeuvre with great flair:
Spam, Vienna sausage, Chex.
Blend well with Cheez Wiz.

What are the clear parts?
My mind reels, thoughts turn to hooves.
I'd best just eat it.

We joke about Spam
But secretly we think that
It tastes pretty good.

Watch the pink slab fry.
Its grease can lubricate eggs.
Get ketchup ready.

Pressed, the cold slice soothes
Eye, a black-and-blue shiner.
Spam, what useful stuff.

You don't want to know
What they put in that tin can.
It's scary to think.

Have you ever lost anything?
It's in that one little can
Of Spam.

Cold, Pink, gelatinous mass,
The potted meat for which I crave,
Warns of impending earthquake.

I am flattered
And overwhelmed to Pink.

Parts of pigs o' plenty.
Sumptuous feet and tails.
Rub amber gel through hair.

Drop a pig in a blender,
Add salt and dye:
The recipe for Spam.

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