Fun_People Archive
22 Apr
Questions for Heterosexuals

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 96 13:18:13 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Questions for Heterosexuals


	Questions for Heterosexuals

1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?

2. When and how did you first decide you were a heterosexual?

3. Is it possible your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of?

4. Is it possible that all you need is a good gay lover?

5. If you've never been sexual with a person of the same sex, how do you
   know you wouldn't prefer that?

6. Why do you insist on being so obvious and making a public spectacle of
   your heterosexuality?  Can't you just be what you are and keep it quiet?

7. The majority of child molesters are heterosexual.  Do you consider it
   safe to expose your children to heterosexual teachers?

8. Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex?

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