Fun_People Archive
17 Apr
Virus AlerT!

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 96 16:20:17 -0700
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Virus AlerT!

There is a very dangerous virus going around and it is propogated through
the email system.  If you get an email message with the subject: "Virus
AlerT!" do not open the mail message.  If you do, the virus scrambles the
second half of every text file on your system.

VERY IMPORTANT:  If you do get this virus, the first thing dlkfjaid dfdjas
objsc hger40xu zbk btegteh  emvph bw eb[bhk btegbkqh bt egmbtjeggon bte
ejgwv bt3egb whpjbf.  Ig zpv ep, uif wjsvt tdsbncmft uif tfdpoe ibmg pg fwfsz
ufyu gjmf po zpvs tztufn.  Vetpgk xf ebteg 7fgn te eb0h h beg bt eh wcxf
bet hxfgbxf bet wfxfsxf etg!

[Jvtu mkfglqj... -qmt]

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