Fun_People Archive
17 Apr
Why the Democrats Lost in November 1994

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 96 04:45:21 -0700
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Why the Democrats Lost in November 1994

Forwarded-by: Jascha Franklin-Hodge <>

Top Ten Reasons the Democrats Lost in November 1994.

10:     Manuel Noriega's endorsement turned out to be a liability.

9:      Rostenkowski unable to rally the dead vote.

8:      The voters ran out of money...

7:      Many Democratic incumbents unable to campaign because their parole
        hearings were unfairly delayed.

6:      Babies Ted Kennedy kissed were showing up in detox.

5:      Post office finally began delivering Reagan era tax refund checks
        and people saw dollar signs.

4:      George Bush Sr. wasn't running this year.

3:      There are 49 States that aren't Massachusetts.

2:      Donkey symbol has taken on a negative connotation.


1:      People thought voting Republican might limit Clinton's TV
        appearances to 1 or 2 per day.

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