Fun_People Archive
27 Mar
Re: Seattle and the Reverse Hustle

Date: Wed, 27 Mar 96 14:16:33 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Re: Seattle and the Reverse Hustle

From: (Jef Jaisun)

-----------------------Peter Langston wrote------------------------
> Seattle Mayor Norm Rice's gubernatorial campaign staff let him down on his
> recent announcement swing through Eastern Washington.  The staff booked a
> seat on the plane to Spokane all right, but -- contrary to the plan -- Rice
> ended up in the middle seat.

Damn! For a second there I though you said "middle east," which is where
I'd send Norm in a New York second. Let's see if he can get the PLO and
Israelis to put a Commons in downtown Jerusalem.

> Rice's campaign manager Sue Tupper says, "From now on, this is our secret
> strategy:  book Norm into the middle seat."

Sue Tupper would be the mother of infamous kisser-and-teller Kari Tupper,
the after-the-fact whiner who conspired with the Seattle Times to bring
down Brock Adams?  Send her to the Middle East, too.  I'd suggest Iran.

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