Fun_People Archive
22 Feb

Date: Thu, 22 Feb 96 20:40:19 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Reasoning

Forwarded-by: "Cochell, Jim" <>

Newt Gingrich is on an airplane, flying back to D.C.  The guy sitting next
to him is immersed in a book and pays no attention to Newt.  Toward the end
of the flight Newt asks.

Newt: "What book is that you're reading?"
Man:  "It's called 'Deductive reasoning'"
Newt: "Sounds interesting, what's it about?"
Man:  "Let me give you an example"
Newt: "Okay"
Man:  "Do you have a dog?"
Newt: "Yes, I do as a matter of fact"
Man:  "I would deduce from this then, that you have a yard as well, no?"
Newt: "Yes! I do have a yard"
Man:  "Then I would further deduce that you have a house next to this yard?"
Newt: "I do!"
Man:  "Then I'll bet you have a family don't you?"
Newt: "Yes, a very nice family!"
Man:  "And you're a heterosexual, aren't you?"
Newt: "You betcha!  I'm beginning to see how this works!"

Later that week Newt goes out and buys the book on deductive reasoning and
is determined to read it cover to cover on his return flight.  His plane
takes off and he begins reading.  Two hours later the man sitting next to
him notices how Newt is so engrossed in this book and just can't keep
himself from being impolite and interrupting:

Man:  "Excuse me sir, what's that you're reading?"
Newt: "It's called 'Deductive Reasoning'"
Man:  "Oh.  Then you must have learned how to use deductive reasoning, eh?"
Newt: "Well yes, as a matter of fact I have.  Let me show you how it works."
Man:  "Okay"
Newt: "Do you have a dog?"
Man:  "No"
Newt: "Well then, you must be a homosexual!"

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