Fun_People Archive
10 Feb
Weirdness [416] - 26Jan96

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 96 02:03:08 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Weirdness [416] - 26Jan96

Excerpted-from: WEIRDNUZ.416 (News of the Weird, January 26, 1996)
by Chuck Shepherd

* Latest Nicotine Urges:  Connecticut inmate Frank W. Banks, assigned to a
no-smoking prison, was convicted in December of mailing harassing letters
to a judge; Banks said he thought threats via the U. S. mail would cause
him to be sent to a federal prison, where he could smoke.  And in November,
three stranded Alaska hunters radioing for help claimed they had been
without food for three days so the rescue would be treated as an emergency;
actually, they had a week's worth of food with them but panicked because
they had run out of cigarettes. [Hartford Courant, 12-8- 95; Anchorage Daily
News, 11-24-95]

* Among products recently brought to market:  Sandals, handbags, and
accessories under the A Bomb label, from Tokyo's Mode et Jacomo (whose
public relations director said she thought "A Bomb," in English, signified
"cute"); the Peace Missile golf club and companion putter, made from
melted-down Soviet Union nuclear missiles, in San Rafael, Calif.; China's
Soft soap (and its competitor, Seaweed Defat Soap), which according to the
"Preventive Medicine Society," removes body fat in 76% of cases; and from
the Spencer and Fleetwood firm in Great Britain, slowly available in the U.
S., provocatively-shaped noodles called Pasta Boobs and Penis Pasta. [Daily
Yomiuri, 9-6- 95] [The Tennessean-AP, 8-15-95] [Globe & Mail-Reuters, 10-
20-95; The Economist, 9-16-95] [Time Out New York, 12-6-95]

Copyright 1996, Universal Press Syndicate.  All rights reserved.
Released for the entertainment of readers.  No commercial use
may be made of the material or of the name News of the Weird.

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