Fun_People Archive
11 Jan
East Coast Blizzard Inspires Comics

Date: Thu, 11 Jan 96 16:04:13 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: East Coast Blizzard Inspires Comics

Forwarded-by: (Keith Bostic)

"In New York City alone, 47 cab drivers were treated for severe
frostbite of the middle finger."
	(Alex Kaseberg)

"Even Ted Kennedy won't go outside without pants."
	(Paul Ryan)

"Jehovah's Witnesses have switched to door-to-door phoning."
	(Gary Easley)

"The East is cold, white, and cut off from the rest of the world.
I guess now it truly is 'Pat Buchanan Country.'"
	(Alex Pearlstein)

"It's zero visibility.
Now everyone in Washington has the same vision as Congress."
	(Paul Ryan)

"The transplant of baboon bone marrow was so successful, many Americans
would like to see the front ends of horses sent to Washington for final
	(Argus Hamilton)

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