Fun_People Archive
11 Jul
Songs of the South -- Victuals

Date: Tue, 11 Jul 95 02:09:08 PDT
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Songs of the South -- Victuals

Forwarded-by: (Greyshadow)

The Southerner is a local person - to a degree unknown in other sections of
the United States.  The Southerner always thinks of himself as being from
somewhere, as belonging to some spot of earth.
	--Richard Weaver

Everyone in the South knows who Jefferson Davis was, and this is one thing
that distinguishes the South from other parts of the coulntry.
	--William F. Buckley, Jr.

I happen to know quite a bit about the South.  Spent 20 years there one
	--Dick Gregory

  This Week's topic is. . . VICTUALS  (That's Vittles)

On a summer evening some years ago, two of the South's most celebrated
writers, William Faulkner and Katherine Anne Porter, were dining together at
a plush restaurant in Paris.  Everything had been laid out to perfection; a
splendid meal had been consumed,a fine bottle of Burgundy emptied, and
thimble-sized glasses of an expensive liqueur drained.  "Back home the butter
beans are in," said Faulkner, peering into the distance, "the speckled ones."
 Miss Porter fiddled with her glass and stared into space.  "Blackberries,"
she said wistfully.
	---Eugene Walter

Southern Barbecue is the closest thing we have in the United States to
Europe's wines or cheeses; drive a hundred miles and the barbecue changes.
	-- John Shelton Reed

Anyone with a lick of sense knows you can't make good barbecue and comply
with the health code.
	--Anonymous barbecue-pit owner

Somehow in rural Southern culture, food is always the first thought of
neighbors when there is trouble.  "Here, I brought you some fresh eggs for
breakfast.  And here's a cake and some potato salad."  It means, "I love you.
 And I am sorry for what you are going through, and I will share your burden
as much as I can."  And maybe potato salad is a better way of saying it.
	--Will D. Campbell

Next to fried food, the South has suffered most from oratory.
	--Walter Hines Page

I am alarmed over the grits situation.  You have to ask the waitress to bring
you grits.  Previously, you only had to ask the waitress NOT to bring you
grits.  And more recently, at some restaurants, you not only have to ask for
grits but have to pay for them.  I consider this a sacrilege, as I am quite
sure that the Lord never intended grits to be sold.
	--Charlie Robins

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []