Fun_People Archive
13 Jun
Re: graphics for the Fun_People Archives

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 95 12:26:19 PDT
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Re: graphics for the Fun_People Archives

From: <>

I don't have a graphic, but I do have a text description of one!  That seems
to fit in with the logic of Fun_People somehow.  Anyway, the other day I saw
a sign on a lampost.  Someone had lost some important photographs in the
vicinity and hoped someone else had found them.  It triggered an image of a
Far Side style cartoon:

Lampost with sign:  LOST!  Photo of my cat.  Reward if returned!

Fastened to the bottom of the sign is the cat in question, with a square
drawn around it.  Cat is much discomfited.

It's probably not funny if you're a cat person, but I still giggle thinking
about it.

[You must be a photo person.  I can imagine how uncomfortable you've been all
these years as people were looking for cats...  -psl]

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []