Fun_People Archive
31 May
Weirdness #379

Date: Wed, 31 May 95 17:54:24 PDT
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Weirdness #379

Excerpted-from: WEIRDNUZ.379 (News of the Weird, May 12, 1995)
By: Chuck Shepherd

* In July in Nakorn Sri Thammarat province in Thailand, Perm Suttimusik,
76, committed suicide after all 17 wives in his harem deserted him.  Police
speculated that Perm had lost his potency because of the failure of an
herbal brew he had been taking. [St.  Petersburg Times-Deutsche Presse
Agentur, 7-29-94]
[Ah, the carefree, low-pressure life of the sheik...  -psl]

* In September, artists in Lviv, Ukraine, formed the International Masoch
Fund to honor the city's most famous native, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, from
whose name is derived the word indicating pleasure from being abused.  They
were not successful in their effort to get the United Nations to name 1995,
the centennial of Masoch's death, "The Year of Masoch." [San Antonio
Express-News, 9-3-94]

* In December, two men and a woman were arrested in connection with the
murder of Randall Sheridan (with whom the woman had been having a
child-custody dispute) in Junction City, Kan.  Among the bases for the
arrests was that the three people's alibis had been refuted by a piece of
evidence used for perhaps the first time in a domestic criminal case--a
CIA-type satellite photo purportedly showing that the three suspects' cars
were not parked where they had said they were.  A few days later, bail was
lowered when the photo was revealed to have been a fake. [Kansas City Star,

* In March, three men were arrested in Mexico City after their plan fizzled
to carjack a Jeep Cherokee as it stopped for a traffic light in broad
daylight in an affluent neighborhood.  The three turned out to be wayward
Mexican policemen.  Unknown to the men, the Cherokee was being driven by
Ernesto Zedillo Velasco, 19, son of President Ernesto Zedillo, and was
accompanied by two unmarked cars filled with bodyguards, who quickly subdued
the men. [New York Times, 3-24-95]

Copyright 1995, Universal Press Syndicate.  All rights reserved. 
Released for the entertainment of readers.  No commercial use
may be made of the material, or of the name News of the Weird.

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []