Fun_People Archive
1 Feb
What rhymes with itch?

Date: Wed,  1 Feb 95 23:57:47 PST
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: What rhymes with itch?

Forwarded-by: lanih@irony.Berkeley.EDU (Lani Herrmann)
Forwarded-by: (Jennifer L Michael)
Subject: Re:Giraffeburgers (fwd)

Holly Tannen wrote:
-How do you know she's a witch?
-She turned me into a newt!
			-Monty Python and the Holy Grail
THE OUTLANDISH NEWT     as sung by "Local Bud", 
                        Comptche (California) General Store
			  tune: Blood on the Saddle
There was blood in the trenches and blood on the ground
A great big puddle of blood all around
The gee-raffe lay in it, all bloody and dead
Our hero Sir Newtie done bashed in its head.
Sir Newtie rode up to the White House to dine
The First Lady smiled as she poured out the wine
He took the first sip and then fell on the floor
He never will call her a bitch any more.
(Spoken) "Witch, not bitch," she murmured....

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []