Fun_People Archive
20 May
Buy - 0 - Day

Date: Thu, 20 May 93 13:16:51 PDT
To: Fun_People
Subject: Buy - 0 - Day

[YES!  This is my kind of holiday...  Too bad there's only one of them.

 Caution: Some people find the idea(s) expressed in this message offensive.

 In some states possesion of this communication may be punishable by law.
	Read at your own risk.
		Burn before reading.
			This means you!

 Pronunciation note:  Buy-O does not necessarily rhyme with Day-O... -psl]

 From: Keith Bostic <bostic@vangogh.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
 From: the Media Foundation <that's Adbusters of recent Wired fame>

               The Second Annual - Intra National

                 -=|] B u y  - 0 -  D a y [|=-

Last year, on Thursday, September 24, 1992, a new holiday was born.

   Unlike most other holidays, this day long event discourages
               celebratory purchases in its name.
                   In fact just the opposite.

 Held every September 24th, BUY NOTHING DAY is a twenty four hour,
 continent-wide moratorium on consumer spending, designed to
 remind both the public and the retailer of the true power of the
 buying public. It is an exercise in financial self-control. It is
 a reclamation of consumer control of the marketplace. It is a
 gesture of protest for those of us who all too often feel as if
 our lives and dreams have been marketed back to us.

                Participate by not participating.
  Stock up now, and on Friday, September 24, 1993, buy nothing.

For more details or Poster-Bumper Sticker designs contact:

The Media Foundation - Adbusters Quarterly
1243 W 7th Ave Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6H 1B7
Phone: 604-736-9401           Fax: 604-737-6021

[Does anyone know of an email address for The Media Foundation? -psl]

[=] © 1993 Peter Langston []